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Cormac Murphy Coté-Skotak


My wife, Kim, and I have been in the adoption process for a long, long time, and we just finalized the last major part this afternoon. We can finally announce our new son, Cormac Murphy Coté-Skotak.

On the professional front, a special thanks goes out to my RedMonk colleagues who’ve given Kim, Cormac, and I endless support over the past few months, lavishing all the personal time we’ve needed and filling in for me without hesitation. And thanks to the rest of you who’ve been understanding about me not being able to travel or have meeting here and there.

For those I’ve told who’ve kept the “embargo,” thanks so much! And for the rest of you, check out that handsome kid of ours! ;>

(And, you know, of course he has a Twitter account: @CormacCS.)

Categories: The Analyst Life.

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10 Responses

  1. Congratulations! He's gorgeous. Wish him all the health and happiness, love and life.

  2. Congratulations! And I already wondered, why you were so not drunk and retired lately!

    jan halfarApril 16, 2010 @ 11:21 am
  3. Wow – big news! Congratulations!

  4. Best Wishes to all 3 of you!

  5. Thanks for all the congrats! 😉

  6. Cote, awesome news man! Congrats on the wonderful world of fatherhood. You’ll be a great one!

  7. Ooo, a big huge, congratulations! And, here's hoping for sleep for all of you! 🙂

  8. Many congratulations to you all! Both our boys are adopted at birth, now teenagers. A great joy. Best wishes for your new future. — Jeff

    Jeff JonesApril 30, 2010 @ 4:51 am

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