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Links for January 7th

The Roosevelt

A little something extra…

This was a busy day, one of those where I’ll probably get weird, work-related dreams at night.

One of the items in my inbox was about a new line of laptop bags from Sumo, the Sumo Messenger Bag. While I don’t get the laser-eyed robo-crab PR emails that Stephen does, I do get a lot of tangentially-IT related press releases. Thankfully, I find a second here and there on weird press releases to be a fun distraction in my day.

Anyhow, my new policy (more “practice,” really) is that when I get a press release for something physical, I ask for a review/test unit. It doesn’t work too often, but, thankfully, it looks like I’ll be getting one of these bags. This is actually fantastic, as I’m always looking for a better bag.

You may recall a couple bag reviews on RedMonkTV from a few years ago (Matthias Zeller‘s Waterfield Cargo and Dan McWeeney’s Crumpler). I should have a write-up of using my Crumpler Horseman as a laptop bag and occasional “one bag solution” soon too (see it in action above at this year’s SpringOne in New Orleans) – it’s pretty good, actually.

The Links

Disclosure: see the RedMonk client list for clients mentioned.

Categories: Links.